Aktualizace webserveru ICCF ke dni 14.12.2015 – důležité!
(zkráceno – původní anglický text od Denisse Dorena je uveden pod tímto oznámením)
Vážení šachoví přátelé!
14. prosince 2015 došlo ke změnám na webserveru ICCF.
Zrevidovaný Manuál rozhodčího turnaje je nyní plně podporován a všichni rozhodčí si mohou nyní nastavit svoji specializaci (Webserver nebo klasickou poštu) a jazykové preference. Na stránce Úspěchy (Achievements) je nyní zobrazen postup rozhodčích od Úrovně jedna (Level One) přes Úroveň dva (Level Two) k Mezinárodnímu rozhodčímu (IA). Postup z Úrovně jedna na Úroveň dva nyní provede webserver automaticky. Test pro rozhodčí bude k dispozici nejpozději v prosinci a bude pro rozhodčí povinný od 1.4.2016. Podrobnosti budou uvedeny v novém Manuálu rozhodčího turnaje.
Pořadatelé turnajů mohou nyní nastavit "Sofijská pravidla" (Sofia Rule), povolující remízové nabídky pouze při splnění určitých podmínek.
Remízové nabídky budou v soutěžích ICCF, startujících od 1.1.2016 dále omezeny v souladu se změnami v Code of Conduct.
V soutěžích, startovaných od 1.1.2016 budou moci plnit normy pouze hráči, kteří v dané soutěži získají minimálně 35 procent bodů.
Od 01.01.2016 bude možné plnit normy pro nové tituly ICCF: "Correspondence Chess Expert" (CCE) a "Correspondence Chess Master" (CCM). Ženy, které tyto tituly získají, mají možnost je překonvertovat na tituly LIM a LGM prostřednictví klasikačního komisaře ICCF, nebo příslušného národního delegáta.
Webserver nyní udělí tituly automaticky se statusem "Čekající" (Pending). Titul zůstane ve stavu "Čekající" (Pending) až do potvrzení kvalifikačním komisařem ICCF. Seznam titulů čekajících na potvrzení je k dispozici na stránce Úspěchy (Achievements).
On-line hlasování pro delegáty bude k dispozici na Kongres 2016, který se koná v Německu.
Byla opraveno mnoho chyb.
Velké poděkování Martinu Bennedikovi za vývoj softwaru, Neilu Limbertovi za testování softwaru a všem dobrovolníkům, kteří se podíleli na tomto updatu.
Pokud byste narazili na jakýkoliv problém, obraťte se prosím na helpdesk.
Důležitá informace pro všechny naše rozhodčí:
Je třeba, aby si všichni aktivní rozhodčí nastavili v sekci "Osobní nastavení" pod záložkou "TD Details" (je zepotřebí otevřít roletu v okénku "Kontakt") svoji specializaci, a to buď "Server", nebo "Postal", popř. obojí.
Dále je zde třeba si nastavit své jazykové preference.
Pokud by tak někdo neučinil, nemůže být pořadatelem zadán do skupiny jako rozhodčí!
Pro rozhodčí by měl již být k dispozici on-line test. Zatím bohužel není, snad tam bude později. Od 01.04.2016 bude tento test povinný pro všechny aktivní rozhodčí (včetně domácích turnajů)
S pozdravem a přáním šťastného nového roku
Michal Volf, zástupce vedoucího MÚ SKŠ v ČR
Dvůr Králové nad Labem 24.12.2015
First of all, let me thank each and everyone of you for volunteering to serve as tournament directors. We all know the ICCF could not function without your service! While you may not hear feedback from the players directly, let me take this opportunity to speak for all of those players who quietly appreciate your service that allows them to play the game they love.
To introduce myself, I am the Chair of the ICCF Arbiter Committee and the ICCF Rules Commissioner. My responsibilities include keeping the ICCF rules current, and ensuring that tournament directors (TDs) such as you are kept informed of any rule or procedural changes to how tournament direction is to be done.
It is about such changes that I write. During the most recent ICCF Congress, many changes were approved. This is the first of a series of mailings from me to all TDs to facilitate your knowing about those changes, and more particularly what is needed from you.
The main topic being addressed in this notice concerns what is needed from you nearly immediately (ideally by 1-1-2016). Starting on that date, the appointment of any TD to a NEW tournament (or other event) will not be allowed unless the TD has registered himself or herself as having at least one of two specializations. A specialization simply means that you believe you can be held responsible for implementing the rules as a TD in (a) server-based events, (b) postal events, or (c) both. If you have not registered your specialization by 1-1-2016, the server will not allow you to be appointed to direct any NEW event. (This requirement does not at all apply to tournaments/events that are already ongoing by that date.) This registration will take you less than one minute. You can accomplish this by the following:
(1) Go to the ICCF homepage
(2) Find "Personal Settings", a box that is all the way in the bottom left corner of the screen.
(3) Click on "Personal Settings", and find the box that initially says "Contact".
(4) After clicking on the menu for that box, find "TD Details", and click that.
(5) Now simply click "server", "postal", or both boxes; as you desire.
(6) While you are on that screen, please also update the list of languages you speak by, if applicable, clicking on "second language" and "third language" and choosing accordingly. You may currently only choose from among the languages listed. If you have nothing to update in this regard, just leave it as is.
Please know a few important things about the effect of your choice:
(1) The server will only allow you to serve as the TD for events fitting your specialization. For instance, if you only click only "server", you will not be allowed to direct any new postal event.
(2) Importantly, by 1 April 2016, you will be required to take and pass a Tournament Director Manual review test specific to the type of specialization you chose. If you choose both specializations, you will need to take and pass the test for each one of those two manuals. (There are now two TD manuals where there used to be just the Arbiter Manual: (a) the TD Manual – Server and (b) the TD – Manual – Postal.) Prior to 1 April 2016, this requirement for passing the manual review test will not be in place, meaning the server will allow new TD appointments based solely on the TD's self-registered specialization(s). Starting 1 April 2016, however, NEW TD appointments will not be allowed unless the TD has passed the manual review test specific to his/her registered specialization! (Again, existing TD appointments will not be affected by this requirement.)
Specially translated tests may be available for TDs who will be directing only national events and no international events. All TDs who plan to direct any international event must take the test in English.
Please know, however, that the test is NOT designed to fail anyone. In fact, every test question will tell you where in the manual to find the correct answer. The tests are designed purely to ensure that TDs become familiar with the new manuals, about what information is contained in those manuals, and where to find the information. The tests are both "open-book", meaning that it is expected that you use the TD Manuals to find the answers as you take the test. By having all TDs take such a test, the ICCF is ensuring that TDs know of the new manuals, of new rules and procedures (of which there are many), and about where to find needed information any time an occasion arises. Additionally, if you do not pass the test the first time you take it, you can take it again (though be aware that a different set of questions will be used.) There is nothing to worry about here beyond needing to commit a little bit of time to ensure you are the best TD you can be.
The TD Manual review tests are not quite available yet, but they will be very soon. I will let you know when they are available for you. Once available, you will be able to take them any time at your convenience, with the only requirement being by 1 April 2016.
In future notices such as this one, I will inform you about newly developed tools for assisting TDs with the procedures for player withdrawals and game adjudications. For now, however, please just take a minute to register your specialization(s) and update your listed languages.
Again, thank you for your service to the ICCF!
Dennis Doren, Chair, ACO & Rules Commissioner